Monday, July 27, 2009


I like school because every time I come to school I learn something new. My teachers are really cool even if there mean they are still cool. One of the reasons I like my teacher is because they always teach new stuff. Without teachers we wont be recommended to honors or higher levels. If we don't have teachers we would be dumb, but thanks god we have teachers.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

My favorite gaming system

My favorite gaming system is the Wii , because you get to excercise, and have a lot of fun.

The Wii for me is really cool. I might get for my birthday. If I do get it, I will take good care

of it and will buy all of the materials it needs. The Wii cost like between $200 -$300. Another

hing Ilike about the Wii is video games you get to play. My favorite game for the Wii is " FIFA 2009".

Friday, July 17, 2009


Years before the I.C.E POLICE use to a loud immigrants to come to the US , but then the immigration started to kick them out because it was starting to being kind of crowded.If you have permission you can entered

my score was 8 out of 10

Vietinam War

It all started when France wanted more food and land. The Vietinamis didn't want to, and France wanted war. The US was in France side then the US send their soldiers there, but the Vietinamis were more ready because they had holes were they could hide on

my score was 5 out of 10