Wednesday, December 23, 2009


i wish i get alot of presents for christmas. but i am not going to. iwish all my teachers and my classmates merry christmas oh and u to mrs.murphy

Friday, December 18, 2009

i think...

i think that this christmas is going to be so lane becuz on this thanksgiven we were rguing about the food so this time we r not going to celebrate it

the bloger

i enjoy being in this class beczause to work and check in and check out.i mostly to enjoy posting other people,i mostly post to jimmy. if i get out of this class i wont continue my blog becuz i dont have time

Monday, November 30, 2009


My thanksgiving was pretty fun and exciting.we didn't eat turkey we ate hamburgers and back ribs with some barbecue, for drinks we bought fruit punch. We put a jumper at the backyard. We e finished like at 12:00am. My best part of that day was the jumper, it was raelly huge the picture was of WALLE.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

the helper

if you need to find 3 DVD'S it is really is easy
first, go to the library catalog type in''American History'' go down where you can find dvd's


Wednesday, November 18, 2009

the egyptian patron

If there is a lost patron who is trying to research about something well it is really easy.First, I will go to the computers and go to internet and research.second you could go to the library catalog and get a book. third, you could tell someone who works in the library if they know anything about what ever your topic is

Monday, November 16, 2009

I am going to get call of duty modern warfare2 for the PS3 and the Nintendo Wii. Iam also going to get FIFA 2010 by christmas.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

i haven't done an assignment that requires to look for info,but i did gotone on research on Bald eagles and i neede to look it on the internet and i got an A FOR THAT DAY.

i am so excited

I am so excited because i am getting the Wii for christmas.I want to get fifa 10 and also some Mario's game, especially on mario parties.I also want to get CALL OF DUTY:MODERN WARFARE2 because I like war games.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

I get inform by...

I inform by the news and by my teachers or by people

Thursday, August 20, 2009

The world war 2

The world war 2 all started because the Natzi were killing the jews all of Hitler. Hitler gave order to the Natzi to kill all the Jews. Thats how the world war 2 happen.

Friday, August 14, 2009

my favorite movie

My favorite movie is traformers the first movie because it has a lot of action and how they transforms. the best to me is Bumble bee because he is really funny and the car he could transformto is really cool

Monday, August 10, 2009


Diabetes is not caused y to much sugar, it is related to sugar.

Most of the diabetics have a blood sugar measure to check

their blood, if the sugar is high then they feel kind of dizzy or sick.
My score is 6 out of 10

Monday, July 27, 2009


I like school because every time I come to school I learn something new. My teachers are really cool even if there mean they are still cool. One of the reasons I like my teacher is because they always teach new stuff. Without teachers we wont be recommended to honors or higher levels. If we don't have teachers we would be dumb, but thanks god we have teachers.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

My favorite gaming system

My favorite gaming system is the Wii , because you get to excercise, and have a lot of fun.

The Wii for me is really cool. I might get for my birthday. If I do get it, I will take good care

of it and will buy all of the materials it needs. The Wii cost like between $200 -$300. Another

hing Ilike about the Wii is video games you get to play. My favorite game for the Wii is " FIFA 2009".

Friday, July 17, 2009


Years before the I.C.E POLICE use to a loud immigrants to come to the US , but then the immigration started to kick them out because it was starting to being kind of crowded.If you have permission you can entered

my score was 8 out of 10

Vietinam War

It all started when France wanted more food and land. The Vietinamis didn't want to, and France wanted war. The US was in France side then the US send their soldiers there, but the Vietinamis were more ready because they had holes were they could hide on

my score was 5 out of 10